Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Grandson and Sabbath

My grandson Kendrick is taking his morning nap as I write this entry. My daughter is working at the Farmers Market in OKC on Wednesdays this summer while her husband, Rhea, is in predeployment training out of state. I have the opportunity to watch my grandson all day today now that I have a more flexible schedule after the completion of the spring semester. My daughter asked me this morning if I was finished with my grading, and I said, "why do you ask?" She said, "you seem so much more relaxed." I actually finished my grading and turned in final grades two days before the deadline today. (Last year I was about two days late).

An article entitled, "Reclaimed by Sabbath Rest" by Robert Sherman has me thinking about rhythms and patterns. Like the academic year. Like Kendrick's morning nap. Like summer break. Sherman notes that "we live in multiple calendars simultaneously, compartmentalizing and juggling the differing rhythms as everyday life demands." To properly use the time we are given in a wise way, the time we spend must be "informed by, and aligned with, God's purposes." One of the insights I gained from Sherman is that setting aside regular time to spend with my grandson is a form of sabbath for me. It is a wise and good rhythm in my life. Sabbath is time set aside not only for communion with God, but also communion with one another. "Sabbath was indeed made for humanity, as a gift and blessing of time for rest and refreshment, for joyful communion with God, one another, and all creation." Another insight is that sabbath is "a repentant emptying of the self-centered self." When we set aside time for "joyous communion with family and neighbors" we are acting on our allegiance to the Lord of the Sabbath - this reminds me that sabbath rest "is not simply aimless 'free time.'" Every adult needs a child in their life, because this is one of the most effective ways for adults to learn! Thank you Kendrick and Shea for helping me to experience and understand sabbath better! And thank you Jeremy for sending me a bibliography so I could more easily find resources to study about sabbath.

From the arrogance that thinks it knows all truth,
From the laziness that is content with half-truths,
From the cowardice that shrinks from new truth,
O God of truth deliver us!

1 comment:

  1. Every adult needs a child in their life, because this is one of the most effective ways for adults to learn!- LOVE this line - this insight. Blessings to you, Wendell, as you Sabbath with Kendrick, and glad the bibliography is a living, helpful thing ALREADY.
